Post from @karthikabhiram

Post from @karthikabhiram
Indiana Jones and the Temple of Doom (1984)Directed by Steven SpielbergThe follow up to "Raiders of the Lost Ark" is a prequel story, set a year before the events of the first film, and sees Indiana Jones (Harrison Ford) and two companions crash land in India, where they are asked by a village to retrieve a sacred stone that has been stolen by the Thuggee cult.I recently watched all four of the Indiana Jones movies on @primevideoin (they are there on @netflix_in as well) and enjoyed them all. The third ("Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade") was my favourite. I loved the visuals in the first three (all were shot by Douglas Slocombe), and I felt the second one had the best visuals, with its gritty look. The fourth, shot by Janusz Kaminski, with its harsh lighting (a style of the cinematographer) and warmer colours was very different and I didn't feel it suited the film."Temple of Doom" is an odd film in the Indy series, the first and the third are more consistent in tone, whereas this one was quite dark and more violent. This is one of the movies that led to the creation of the PG-13 rating in the US, for movies that had content too strong for very young children, at the same time not strong enough for an R rating and being aimed at adults. Seeing high priest Mola Ram (Amrish Puri) rip out a person's heart surely would have freaked out parents, back in the day, but I'm sure kids would have enjoyed it. Sadly, in future years, many movies rated PG-13 are very tame and don't really have the edge that this one had.The action sequences in all three are great, this one's second half has a sequence set in a mine, which is brilliantly staged. I drew Amrish Puri as Mola Ram from the movie, the drawing was done with multi colour ballpoint pen, Gelly Roll and a bit of Micron 003 marker on A5 sketchbook and scanned. The size of the drawing is one square inch, for @aninchaugust #aninchaugust #aninchaugust2020.#karthikabhiram #dailymoviesketch#indianajones #ballpointpen #ballpointpendrawing #ballpointpenart#canon #5dmarkiii #50mmphotography #50mm#545 / 12-Aug-20
Posted by Intagrate Lite

Post from @DailyMovieSketch

Post from @DailyMovieSketch
[Poster for a fictional movie]Vortex a.k.a. John Carpenter's Vortex (1988)Directed by John CarpenterOne of the items on my creative TODO list was to make a poster inspired by the John Carpenter music track, "Vortex", from the album "Lost Themes". I like the films of John Carpenter a lot (there are several classics he has made, from the late 1970s to the 1990s). He is one director who has also composed the music for almost all of his movies, and it has a distinctive electronic style. A few years ago, he released two music albums, titled "Lost Themes" and "Lost Themes II", with tracks that sound like they are directly taken from movies he has directed. One of my favourite tracks from the first album is "Vortex". I had the idea to make a poster based on this for a long time, but didn't get around to doing it. Recently, @robertsammelin had made a few posters for a non-existent movie, and that inspired me to pick up this idea again.So here's the poster for "John Carpenter's Vortex", envisioned as being made in 1988 (in between "Prince of Darkness" and "They Live"). It's a horror movie set in the desert, with an ancient evil manifesting itself as duststorms. Kurt Russell and Donald Pleasence star in the film. Like an earlier poster design that I did, I tried to make the credits authentic for the time.The drawing was done with multi-colour ballpoint pen and Gelly Roll pen on A5 sketchbook and scanned. The poster was done in Photoshop, the font used for the titles is ITC Serif Gothic Black (same font used in the @robertsammelin posters and the album art for "Lost Themes"). The credits are in Univers Light Ultra Condensed.I made a variant of the poster with a paper texture, and you can swipe to see the artwork by itself as well.#dailymoviesketch #karthikabhiram@karthikabhiram@ampposters #ampposters #ballpointpen #ballpointpenart #ballpointpendrawing@johncarpenterofficial#540 / 27-Jun-20
Posted by Intagrate Lite

Post from @DailyMovieSketch

Post from @DailyMovieSketch
The Evil Dead (1981)Directed by Sam RaimiRecently, I watched an IGTV video by @therussobrothers where they had a discussion about Sam Raimi's "The Evil Dead". This was a very low budget horror movie ($300,000 I believe) that was made by a group of filmmakers in their early 20s, but became very influential and a cult classic. I did not know that Joel Coen worked as an assistant editor on the film, and that the Coen Brothers took inspiration from Raimi here. I dearly love the series (my favourite is the much more polished sequel, "Evil Dead II"), and this original is a nightmarish, oddly funny and very creepy horror film. It has a good helping of blood and gore, very inventive camerawork and filmmaking, one must appreciate what they achieved. I drew the possessed Cheryl (Ellen Sandweiss) from the movie. This drawing was done in multi colour ballpoint pen and scanned.#evildead #theevildead#dailymoviesketch #karthikabhiram#ballpointpen #ballpointpenart #ballpointpendrawing#539 / 20-Jun-20
Posted by Intagrate Lite

Post from @DailyMovieSketch

Post from @DailyMovieSketch
The Matrix (1999)Directed by The WachowskisDid this Invert Art of Morpheus from “The Matrix”. This is based on an on-set photo shot by @jasinboland, which he had posted on his Instagram a few days ago. I loved the photo and wanted to draw it, and it seemed to be a perfect candidate for an invert art. I did a negative image of the original photo and used that as reference.The drawing was done with multi colour ballpoint pen on A5 sketchbook and scanned. First slide is the inverted image, second one is the actual scanned drawing. Third one is with the colours tweaked in Photoshop to resemble skin tones better, next is the inversion of that (I don't have ballpoint pens of those colours). Had I used a different set of ballpoint pen colours, perhaps I would have got colours that are closer to the skin tones in the negative image. Anyway, posting these. Also in this post are the photos I put up on my @karthikabhiram account.#dailymoviesketch #karthikabhiram#pixel2xl #teampixel #flatlay@instagram #hellofrom Hyderabad India #hellohyderabad #creatorstalentshow #vibetogether #togetherathome #bornoninstagram#ballpointpen #ballpointpenart #ballpointpendrawing #invertart#538 / 8-Jun-20
Posted by Intagrate Lite

Post from @DailyMovieSketch

Post from @DailyMovieSketch
Justice League (2017) / Zack Snyder's Justice League (2021)Directed by Zack SnyderLast Saturday, @theonyxmethod and I had done an @instagram Live Video Session in which we talked about our artwork, our process and also showed off some of our sketches. This is available to watch on the IGTV of my @karthikabhiram account. After that one hour was over, we stayed Live for another 45 minutes where we were drawing — he worked on his Bane drawing (which he posted recently) and I did this.I wanted to draw something with a good bit of contrast and since it was recently announced that we are going to get to see Zack Snyder's original vision of "Justice League" in 2021, Batman seemed like a no brainer to draw. (More on the Snyder Cut in my post and Stories on @karthikabhiram). #dailymoviesketch #karthikabhiram#ballpointpen #ballpointpenart #ballpointpendrawing#releasethesnydercut #zacksnydersjusticeleague@hbomax #hbomax#537 / 23-May-20
Posted by Intagrate Lite

Post from @DailyMovieSketch

Post from @DailyMovieSketch
Event Horizon (1997)Directed by Paul W S AndersonAnother "Event Horizon" based drawing that I did, while watching the movie a few days ago. This shows one of the characters on video footage, who's just ripped his eyes out.The drawing was done with multi colour ballpoint pen and this is a scan.#dailymoviesketch #karthikabhiram#ballpointpen #ballpointpenart #ballpointpendrawing#536 / 17-May-20
Posted by Intagrate Lite

Post from @DailyMovieSketch

Post from @DailyMovieSketch
Event Horizon (1997)Directed by Paul W S AndersonSee the previous post for more details — this drawing was done with my non dominant hand (left hand in my case) as part of a challenge. It took one hour to do and was an interesting experience. I'd have done it in a much shorter time had it been with my right hand and the result would have been more refined. But it still turned out pretty well. I'd posted a photo earlier, this is the scanned version. The movie is a very well made science fiction horror film from 1997, it is gorgeously shot, has a creepy atmosphere and a good dose of blood and gore. Apparently director Paul Anderson was given less time to complete the film and the studio ordered cuts — especially of a scene supposedly called the "hell orgy", which you only see glimpses of in the finished version. The scene featured a lot more disturbing material, people being impaled and tortured and so on. Now that would've been interesting to see. It does feel to me like the movie would've been improved had it been given more time to breathe and scenes were fleshed out more.Nevertheless it's certainly a good movie, probably one of Anderson's best.#dailymoviesketch #karthikabhiram#pencildrawing#535 / 17-May-20
Posted by Intagrate Lite

Post from @DailyMovieSketch

Post from @DailyMovieSketch
𝘿𝙍𝘼𝙒 𝙒𝙄𝙏𝙃 𝙉𝙊𝙉 𝘿𝙊𝙈𝙄𝙉𝘼𝙉𝙏 𝙃𝘼𝙉𝘿 | 𝙇𝙞𝙗𝙚𝙧𝙖 𝙏𝙚 𝙏𝙪𝙩𝙚𝙢𝙚𝙩 𝙀𝙭 𝙄𝙣𝙛𝙚𝙧𝙞𝙨 — I was watching "Event Horizon" yesterday, and I did two drawings based on it. The first one with Captain Miller (Laurence Fishburne) being shown sights of hell by the Weirbeast (Sam Neill) was for a challenge to draw with one's non dominant hand as suggested by @shrek_rao_arts_ — so I drew it with my left hand.It was an interesting experience to do so. I drew with pencil so I could focus on spreading the shade and I could erase also. It was much slower, where I found my mind probably thinking ahead and the hand trying to catch up to do what I wanted. And the final result is not as refined. But I am still happy with the way it came out. I would encourage other artists also to try this, it kind of slows things down and makes you think more about your own drawing process. I'd already tagged a few artist friends on Stories, will do so again in the comments on this post.Swipe to see a timelapse, which could have been framed better but it shows the process. Approximately 1 hour of drawing condensed to 30 seconds. I forced myself to erase also with left hand only.The second drawing was done with right hand only, and with ballpoint pen. This was a quick sketch showing the former "Event Horizon" Captain with his eyes ripped out, saying that Latin phrase meaning "Save yourself from Hell". "Event Horizon" is an underrated horror movie from 1997. Directed by Paul W S Anderson, it has gorgeous visuals, fantastic set design and beautiful cinematography. Horror fans will also be pleased to know that it contains a good amount of effective blood / gore effects which contribute to the creepy atmosphere.I'll write more about it later, when I post the scans of both drawings on my @dailymoviesketch account.The last slide is a meme I made, since in this movie, the explanation of a faster than light travel is the same as how it's depicted in "Interstellar" (the pen passing through paper analogy). I'm posting these images and video on both my @karthikabhiram and @dailymoviesketch accounts.#karthikabhiram #dailymoviesketch #teampixel#flatlay
Posted by Intagrate Lite

Post from @DailyMovieSketch

Post from @DailyMovieSketch
[BIRTHDAY ARTWORK — 15-MAY-2020]Commando (1985)Directed by Mark L LesterOn my birthday (15 May) this year, I thought I’d do a drawing of a movie that's very close to my heart — the 1980s action classic, “Commando”. I watched it dozens of times as a kid, it was the first movie of @schwarzenegger’s that I saw (I think when I was in 5th or 6th class). I became a fan of his because of this movie, and it is a total blast.It is not the best of Arnold’s movies, but, definitely one of the most entertaining ones, thanks to all the jokes and one liners, courtesy scripter Steven E deSouza. Arnold is Col John Matrix, a retired Special Forces solider. Deposed dictator Arius has Matrix’s daughter kidnapped, in order to make him assassinate the President of the South American country Val Verde. Matrix must rescue his daughter within 11 hours.I rewatched this now and had a huge grin on my face throughout. Such an easy movie to watch – the 90 minutes pass by very quickly.I am very thankful to have grown up with movies like this one, “Predator”, “The Terminator” and “Total Recall”. They don't make them like they used to! Here are a few facts about the movie – • Composer James Horner would go on to make music scores for movies like “Titanic” and “Avatar” but I became a fan of his because of his music score for “Commando”. It is so catchy and awesome.• Val Verde is a fictional country, and was used in “Die Hard 2” as well, with General Ramon Esperanza being from there. So, can one assume the movies take place in the same universe?• There is a Director’s Cut for this movie which reinstates about a minute and a half of footage (I’ve seen it, but the film is great as is).• Story writer Joseph Loeb III is Jeph Loeb, who would go on to work in comics, notably, “Batman: Hush”. • Alyssa Milano who stars as Matrix’s daughter Jenny would go on to become a big star, and Peter Quill’s ship in “Guardians of the Galaxy” (the Milano) is named after her.I drew Schwarzenegger as Matrix from the movie. This was done with 0.5mm 2B pencil on A6 sketchbook and scanned. #534 / 15-May-20
Posted by Intagrate Lite