Wednesday (2022)Created by Alfred Gough and Miles Millar"Wednesday" is a Netflix show based on the character Wednesday Addams from the "Addams Family" franchise. It's a dark comedy / mystery series with 8 episodes, featuring Jenna Ortega in the title role. Wednesday joins the Nevermore Academy, a boarding school for outcasts (students like her, who are either supernatural creatures or have powers). She starts experiencing sinister visions and is led to solve a murder mystery at the school. Some of the episodes are directed by Tim Burton.The show has been receiving praise but it's probably not the type of content I'd immediately jump to see. A clip featuring Jenna's dance from one scene, set to "Bloody Mary" by Lady Gaga (which isn't actually the music in the scene) became popular (apparently on Tiktok first and then came to Instagram Reels), and all I had to do was to watch it, and even till now, Instagram is showing me lots and lots of Reels featuring Jenna Ortega and the show. So I watched it, and liked it quite a bit. I didn't think it was entirely new though, since there was a sense of familiarity about it all, and it perhaps went on for longer than it needed to. For me, the blend between the older, Harry Potter style fantasy elements and the Riverdale type modern high school elements didn't always work.However, it was engaging enough, kept one's interest in the mystery, and Jenna Ortega (and the rest of the cast) did very well. There are references to the older Addams Family show and movies.I drew Wednesday, the drawing was done with 0.5 mm 4B mechanical pencil on A5 Brustro sketchbook. You can swipe to see a scan. I missed it by a day but had I put this up yesterday, I could have said that I posted a Wednesday drawing on Wednesday!#karthikabhiram #dailymoviesketch #wednesday #jennaortega#theaddamsfamily #pencil #pencilart #pencildrawing#artistsoninstagram#708 / 15-Dec-22
Posted by Intagrate Lite
Author Archives: Karthik Abhiram
Post from @karthikabhiram
Anyone else noticed this? On my Samsung phone when editing the Profile Picture, I got the option to enable my Meta Avatar also, so that if someone swipes left or right on the Profile Picture, they'll see the Avatar also. #karthikabhiram #Reels #boireeltime @Instagram
Posted by Intagrate Lite
Post from @karthikabhiram
Full moon from a few days ago (and I believe that other dot is Mars). From @samsungwithgalaxy #withgalaxy #S22 30X. Edited in Lightroom. #karthikabhiram #hellohyderabad #reels #boireeltime #bornoninstagram
Posted by Intagrate Lite
Post from @karthikabhiram
Photos from @churrolto Kondapur, from a visit there with @harinarayanan_ps and @punniless last month. #samsung #withgalaxy #teamgalaxy @samsungwithgalaxy #karthikabhiram
Posted by Intagrate Lite
Post from @karthikabhiram
Late in posting this but thought to put it up anyway — last Saturday I had conducted a Photography Workshop at Badruka College of Commerce and Arts. Thank you @theatricsclubofbadruka and @sandhya.chandra.5 for inviting. Here are some pictures from the day. #karthikabhiram #workshop
Posted by Intagrate Lite
Post from @karthikabhiram
More Lensa AI Avatars • So I paid ₹290 more (earlier ₹190) and generated 100 more AI avatars through Lensa app, for a total of 150 images now. In this Reel, you can see all the 150 avatars (overdose of variations of my face maybe), and the images are indeed fascinating to see.A few more thoughts on apps like this Lensa — I personally don't have a problem with them because I see it more as a novelty thing and not something serious. It's no different from the other apps that manipulate faces like what we've had for a few years now. Maybe dedicated and more advanced platforms like DALL•E and Midjourney can possibly step over the line where one might just be satisfied with the AI generated image over what a human might create. But at least for Lensa, I don't see it competing at all.For one, the images are all 1024×1024 square, not very high resolution, and there's no option to control the resolution or composition (to extend the image beyond what's already generated). Also, the styles here are random, you can't ask for a specific style. If I see an avatar of someone else's that I really like, there's no way I can ask Lensa to create a similar one based on my picture.Out of the 150 images I think only a small percentage of them are really good. There is this really nice one (supposed to be Anime style) which I have now set as my Profile Picture on Instagram. But for many of the others, while the ideas are great, if you zoom in and look closer, you'll see quirks where eyes are generated weirdly, there are more limbs, limbs or fingers fusing into each other, the wrong number of fingers on hands, which make them look body horror grotesque.I'm posting this as a Reel for the algorithm and reach. I'll make a separate post with selected images later, so that you can check them out properly (I'm thinking a combo of collages and individual images in Carousel).#karthikabhiram #lensaapp #lensaai #aiart #artistsoninstagram #reels #boireeltime #bornoninstagram
Posted by Intagrate Lite
Post from @karthikabhiram
Mirror Selfies 2 feat. @karthikabhiram • audio by @shreyaguptoo — 73 pictures, from Sep 2022 to Dec 2022A few months ago I posted a Reel with a set of mirror selfies with very short intervals so that it looks kind of like an animated clip. I've been wanting to post a "sequel" to the Reel, and today Shreya Gupto posted a Reel on her Instagram with an audio about Mirror Selfies. The timing coincided quite nicely, so I decided to use that audio and make this Reel. The earlier Reel had 82 pictures from May 2022 to September 2022. I wanted to include selfies from after that till present. So, this Reel has 73 images. But since the audio is only 8 seconds long, the timing for each of these pictures is even shorter (0.12 seconds as opposed to 0.3 seconds in the previous one). Like the first one, this was also made in the Reels editor only, I imported each picture, zoomed in to fill the frame and then adjusted each to achieve a centre composition. As far as I can make out, iPhone doesn't allow the last step, so I think this is possible because I'm using a Samsung phone!Thanks again @shreyaguptoo for this audio and for making this Reel happen 😀@samsungwithgalaxy #withgalaxy #teamgalaxy #karthikabhiram#reels #Reel #bornoninstagram #boireeltime #mirrorselfies
Posted by Intagrate Lite
Post from @karthikabhiram
Lensa AI Avatars • I decided to give this AI avatar generating app a try! I paid ₹190 for these 50 Avatars. I am aware of the discussions around AI generated art vs creatives and artists — it's a blurred line for sure. If I was a working artist (which I am not) and if my art was part of the dataset used for training these AI models, would I be fine with it? Personally I think I would be, though I can understand why some may not. For now, this is absolutely interesting for me, much of the AI art out there is fascinatingly realistic (except for eyes, ears and fingers of humans — these are giveaways) and as @mkbhd said in his latest video, let the robots rehearse their revolution! #karthikabhiram #lensa #lensaapp #Reels #boireeltime #bornoninstagram
Posted by Intagrate Lite
Post from @karthikabhiram
[#NOSPOILERS]HIT: The Second Case (2022)Directed by Sailesh KolanuI watched both the "HIT" movies back to back last weekend and enjoyed them a lot! I had not seen "HIT: The First Case" when it was released a couple of years ago. The second movie was released in theatres last Friday and once I booked tickets for it (watched during @shyamla.e's visit to Hyderabad), I watched the first one on Prime (I've not watched the Hindi remake which is on Netflix).I liked the first movie a lot, it was always engaging and fast paced. The movie kept throwing a lot of information at the audience which kind of kept you alongside the protagonist in trying to solve the mystery, and it did a very good job of making the events seem convincing while still making it a commercial thriller.The same comments would apply for the sequel too! I see what the director is doing with the series, each movie is set in the same universe with overlapping characters but the lead in each movie would be different. We had Vishwak Sen as the protagonist Vikram Rudraraju in the first one set in Hyderabad, here it's Adivi Sesh as Krishna Dev (KD) in a story set in Vizag. In "The Second Case" KD and team are trying to track down a serial killer who has killed women and dismembered their bodies. The movie was efficient like the first, it wasted no time, the acting and filmmaking were nicely done. I really enjoyed it, looking forward to "The Third Case" now!This movie has an "A" rating so it allows for more violence and gore though I felt they used it in a limited but effective way.I spotted a shot of teeth in the end credits of the first film which didn't figure in that film's plot at all, it is a plot point here. Spotted the director in a couple of places as the owner of a bar.I drew Adivi Sesh as KD and his dog Max from the movie. The drawing was done with 0.5 mm 4B mechanical pencil on A6 Campap sketchbook. You can swipe to see a scan.#karthikabhiram #dailymoviesketch@karthikabhiram #pencil #pencilsketch #pencildrawing#artistsoninstagram#hit #hit2 #hitthesecondcase #hitmovie #hit2movie#707 / 9-Dec-22
Posted by Intagrate Lite
Post from @karthikabhiram
Posting this same clip again with a little grade done, just to bring out the colours a little more. #karthikabhiram #goldenhourphotography #goldenhour #Reels #reelsinstagram #bornoninstagram #boireeltime #wednesday
Posted by Intagrate Lite