Post from @DailyMovieSketch

Post from @DailyMovieSketch
[Drawing of @rebeccaferguson__ from @flanaganfilm's @doctorsleepmovie]Doctor Sleep (2019)Directed by Mike FlanaganIn the past few years, a standout work of Mike Flanagan's has been "The Haunting of Hill House", which I really loved, so I was excited that he was bringing the sequel to "The Shining" to the big screen. "The Shining" is a classic horror film, and a classic Stanley Kubrick film (probably more associated with Kubrick than Stephen King, who apparently initially didn't like the adaptation of his work). Flanagan's task was to make a sequel to the Kubrick movie and also an adaptation of Stephen King's sequel novel, "Doctor Sleep", in a way that would appeal to all parties. I think he succeeded here! I watched the movie last Friday and enjoyed it.The story follows Danny Torrance (Ewan McGregor) years after the events of the first film. He is living a life in the small town of Frazier, New Hampshire. There is a cult called The True Knot, led by Rose The Hat (Rebecca Ferguson) who feast on those with Shining powers, and they are drawn to a teenager Abra (Kayleigh Curran). She reaches out to Danny for help and they have to stop The True Knot.I really liked the movie. I appreciated that they carried forward the story, but did their own thing in not trying to cheaply ape the original (though one would find lots of references). While I didn't find this movie scary, it rather maintained a creepy atmosphere throughout. I thought Flanagan's voice, similar to some of the dramatic tones of Hill House came through here, it's a more character driven piece.The two ladies' performances – Rebecca Ferguson and Kayleigh Curran – I thought were outstanding. The music set the tone too and I liked the cinematography and visuals. They went to painstaking lengths to recreate the original film's sets, and that care shows. Recap "The Shining" before you see this, but it's a recommended watch for me.I drew Rose The Hat, the drawing was done with @staedtlermars ballpoint pens on A6 Brustro sketchbook and scanned.#DailyMovieSketch#doctorsleep #theshining #rosethehat#ballpointpen #handdrawn#penandink #inksketch#498 / 14-Nov-19
Posted by Intagrate Lite

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