Post from @DailyMovieSketch

Post from @DailyMovieSketch
Terminator: Dark Fate (2019)Directed by Tim MillerThe first two Terminator movies – "The Terminator" (1984) and "Terminator 2: Judgment Day" (1991) are undeniable classics. There were three sequels that were not so well received (my opinion of those were that they were interesting but forgettable). "Dark Fate" is now an attempt to reboot the franchise with James Cameron returning to it. It is a direct T2 sequel, with "Deadpool"'s Tim Miller coming on board to direct. I watched it last week.The story is kind of a T2 retelling – you have an augmented soldier Grace (Mackenzie Davis) sent back in time to present day, to protect Dani (Natalia Reyes), with a new model Terminator, a REV-9 (Gabriel Luna) trying to kill her. Sarah Connor (Linda Hamilton) and the old model T-800 Terminator (Schwarzenegger) figure in the plot as well.So how does this film that's touted as the "best sequel since T2" fare? Unfortunately, in my opinion, it wasn't all that better than T3, Salvation and Genisys. It's certainly slick, with good production values and action scenes. The acting was also strong. But to me it wasn't memorable. I also wasn't convinced by the T-800's character arc, the villain at times felt too human, the future dystopia I felt was kind of ill defined. That's just me, your experience may vary, I still feel it's worth watching.Did anyone else notice that the version released in India had very less swearing? There seemed to be some words that were dubbed over. I don't think our guys did it, I think the filmmakers themselves made a more toned down version for release in some countries. This was annoying, resulting in an already tame barely R-rated movie coming to a U/A rating in India.I drew the REV-9 in it's skeleton form. The drawing was done with Bic ballpoint pen (and a bit of Gelly Roll) on A6 Brustro sketchbook and scanned.#DailyMovieSketch #terminator#terminatordarkfate#ballpointpen#497 / 9-Nov-19
Posted by Intagrate Lite

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