Spider-Man: Into the Spider-Verse (2018)Directed by Bob Persichetti, Peter Ramsey and Rodney RothmanAmong the several screen adaptations of the Spider-Man character, this animated film from Sony Animation is certainly the most unique one, for many reasons. Free from the constraints of having to fit this into an existing Marvel movie Universe, the filmmakers seem to have done their own thing, which does lend itself to starting a franchise if it does well. The film has the involvement of Phil Lord and Christopher Miller, who did the two Jump Street movies and were behind "The Lego Movie". The film's storyline has teenager Miles Morales gaining super powers after getting bitten by a radioactive spider. An accident involving a collider experiment by the Kingpin results in multiple Spider-People being brought in to Miles' universe, and Miles has to take on the mantle of Spider-Man, and save the others.The movie was fantastic. It's great fun and definitely exceeded expectations. The visuals are spectacular, the action scenes are terrific, it has a great soundtrack. One of the biggest assets of this film though is its character development – we like Miles and the other Spider-People a lot, and hence we care what happens to them. The characters are treated with respect, and though there is a lot of humour, it comes naturally. The Kingpin on that note, was a bit underdeveloped (Vincent D'Onofrio's fantastic portrayal in the "Daredevil" TV show kind of filled the gaps for me). Very entertaining and highly recommended! I caught a 2D presentation. Lots of Easter Eggs and references are there, I spotted a poster for "From Dusk Till Shaun" (fictional sequel to "Shaun of the Dead"), the opening has references to Sam Raimi's movies, there was a logo for Backrub (Google's original name). The design of Miles's Dad is exactly like what John Romita Jr would draw, and B Bendis and S Ditko are in Miles's phone contacts.This drawing was done with Ballpoint pen and gel pen on paper and scanned.#402 / 16-Dec-18
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