Pi (1998)
Directed by Darren Aronofsky
Happy Pi Day! This movie is kind of an obvious pick for the day. It’s director Aronofsky’s debut, a mathematical thriller filmed in high contrast black and white. The director would go on to make movies like “Requiem for a Dream” and “Black Swan”, reteaming with cinematographer Matthew Libatique and composer Clint Mansell. But this is the one that started his career. Sean Gullette stars as Max, a paranoid mathematician who runs into a 216 digit number during his research, which may help him explain all of nature and might be the true name of God. There are other parties who want this number as well. It’s a terrific thriller, very well filmed with a superb music score. I drew a picture of Max from towards the end of the movie. This was drawn in pencil.
#238 / 14-Mar-17
#Instagram #DailyMovieSketch
Posted by Intagrate Lite