Post from @karthikabhiram

Post from @karthikabhiram
AI Generated • Classic Paintings of Cats with iPhones • Enjoy these pictures of Cats with iPhones, in the style of artists like da Vinci, Rembrandt and Monet, as generated by AI! (Playground AI site, using Stable Diffusion 1.5).Over the last few days, I was reading a bit more on how diffusion models, the ones used in the major AI image generation platforms work, and it's quite fascinating! The way I've understood it is, the models are trained on input images by adding noise and asking the model to denoise them and recover the original image. Once trained to denoise, if a random pattern of noise is given (this is the "seed"), and the model is asked to generate the original image (where there was no original image in the first place), guided by the text prompts, that's how you get these AI generated images. Also, these models were not actually designed with art in mind, that is just one of the applications. Apparently, the text to image conversion has many other applications, like in the systems in self driving cars.Certainly, nothing mysterious or creepy or dangerous as it's being made out to be, at least in my opinion!#karthikabhiram #aiart #aiartwork #aiimage #aigenerated
Posted by Intagrate Lite

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