Post from @karthikabhiram

Post from @karthikabhiram
I'm not against AI Art • @karthikabhiram • Of late there has been a lot of conversation on the topic of people using AI tools to generate art, and a movement also to Say No to AI art. Personally, I am not against it. With all due respect, I understand the opposing viewpoints and concerns but I'm more fascinated than anything else, and I think the tech itself is not to be faulted. As with any technology, it can be misused. I wrote quite a long piece about it and it exceeds the caption limit, so I've included it as slides in this Post. Apologies for the very small text size, but that was the only way I could include everything and the actual AI images as well. #karthikabhiram #saynotoaiart #sayyestoaiart #aiart #aigeneratedart #lensa #lensaapp
Posted by Intagrate Lite

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