Masters of the Universe: Revelation Part 1 (2021)Created by Kevin Smith"Masters of the Universe: Revelation" from Netflix is a sequel series to the classic 1980s "He-Man and the Masters of the Universe". The show comprises two parts, each with 5 episodes. The first part was released yesterday and I watched it, and loved it.As a kid I used to watch the "He-Man" show and also bought the toys and comics. There was even a brand of chocolate called Fudgy which I used to buy just because they gave "He-Man" comics with it! So, I was excited for this show. The voice cast includes Luke Skywalker and The Joker (from "Batman" the Animated Series) himself, Mark Hamill, playing Skeletor.I won't be able to give any story details as it would be considered spoilery. But I was surprised at the direction the show took, with its story and the characters (they used so many characters from the original show). Certainly not for everyone but I liked it and I can't wait for Part 2.The animation details, action scenes, visuals were all well done. The music was epic (had a hint of "Conan the Barbarian" for me) but I missed the original series theme. The show is darker in tone.The font used for the end titles and the episode names is ITC Serif Gothic, like in the original Filmation show.Evil-Lyn in the show is voiced by "Game of Thrones" actor Lena Headey, and I drew her as the character. I haven't actually watched "Game of Thrones", but used a reference image from that show, for this drawing. The drawing was done with ballpoint pens on A6 sketchbook. You can swipe to see a scan of it.@apple #iphone12mini #shotoniphone#karthikabhiram #dailymoviesketch#mastersoftheuniverse #heman #mastersoftheuniverserevelation#evillyn #lenaheadey #motu #moremotu @masters @thatkevinsmith@iamlenaheadey#ballpointpen #ballpointpenart #ballpointpendrawing#597 / 24-Jul-21
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