Glass (2019)Directed by M Night ShyamalanI am a big fan of M Night's unique take on the superhero movie – 2000's "Unbreakable". I drew a sketch based on it for sketch number 100 on this account too. And 17 years later, "Split" was an entertaining movie that took things to a whole new level, by linking its plot with "Unbreakable". So now, we have a sequel, "Glass". This brings the main characters from those two films into one movie – the Superhero, David Dunn (Bruce Willis), the villain The Horde (the man who has 24 personalities, played superbly by James McAvoy), and the criminal mastermind Elijah Price (Samuel L Jackson). I'm not giving away any more plot details as it's better to go into this movie spoiler free.I liked the movie overall. James McAvoy is the best thing about the movie, really selling the multiple personality thing. Like I mentioned in my "Split" review a couple of years ago, the character would have become a caricature if it were handled by a lesser actor. The cinematography and music are all great. I thought the story was engaging and interesting as well. However, as much as I liked the film, personally I was a bit let down because I thought the scope was rather limited, and that they could have done something bigger with these characters. But one has to appreciate the world and character building that Shyamalan has done and his unique vision. I drew Samuel L Jackson from the movie, ironically for a movie called "Glass", he has relatively less to do in it.This one doesn't get a sketch number because it's part of a larger overall work. The drawing was done with 0.5mm 2B pencil.Also featured here is a shot from the trailer of "Spider-Man: Far From Home". #glass #daviddunn #overseer #KARTHIKABHIRAM #DailyMovieSketch #TEAMPIXEL #split #unbreakable #pencilart #spiderman #farfromhome #spidermanfarfromhome
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