Death Note (2006-07 Anime Series) Directed by Tetsuro ArakiRecently a trailer was released for a US live action movie adaptation of this anime / manga series, so I thought I'd do a drawing based on the anime. The series follows high school student Light Yagami who comes across a "Death Note", a notebook in which anyone whose name is written will die. Once a human is in possession of a Death Note, he can see a Death God / Shinigami who would remain in the Earth realm till the Death Note is used or the human dies. Light sees the Shinigami Ryuk. He decides to use the Death Note to kill criminals, thus attracting the attention of the police and the mysterious detective L, who swears to catch Kira (the name given to the person behind the killings). This is a sketch of Ryuk. It was done with ballpoint pen, a black marker and colour pencils. This is an edited scan of the drawing. #242 / 28-Mar-17
Posted by Intagrate Lite